📄️ Data
Data Manipulation
📄️ Scheduler
The HydroCompute library was developed with the goal of supporting simulations that require executing N steps with M functions within each step. It provides flexibility in how data is passed to functions within each step, allowing for the use of the same data, different data, or results from previous functions.
📄️ Multithreading
Traditionally, web browsers and instructions are run using a single thread, including the user interface. This means that lots of the work required to run a computation is done sequentially, one instruction at a time. This is a compromise that can be made when running simple web applications. However, a complete application usually runs thousands of instructions, and having computationally expensive work can freeze a UI. Not good.
📄️ Engine Layer
The HydroCompute library contains 3 engines for computing and 1 for data transfer. Let's explore each to see how they can be used, and how users can port their own code.
🗃️ Case Studies
3 items