Augmented Reality (AR) combines real world and simulated information or reality in real-time to enhance perception of reality. Several augmented reality layers are created for the Iowa Flood Center bridge sensor data, and data sources in IFIS. These layers are accessible within the Augmented Reality application, LAYAR, for android and iOS devices.
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- Sermet, Yusuf, Demir, I. Chapter on ‘Virtual and Augmented Reality Applications for Environmental Science Education and Training’, Book: “New Perspectives on Virtual and Augmented Reality: Finding New Ways to Teach in a Transformed Learning Environment”, Taylor & Francis. Edited by L. Daniela et al., 2019.
- Demir, I., Yildirim, E., Sermet, Y. and Sit, M.A., 2018. FLOODSS: Iowa flood information system as a generalized flood cyberinfrastructure. International journal of river basin management, 16(3), pp.393-400. (DOI: